Monday, September 5, 2011


v     Dreaming more and more and making each one of them real for sure.

The very first session will put the participants on an enthusiastic journey of dreams to reality.

v     Building strong and healthy Relationships.

Participants discover that practicing just one virtue on a continuous basis lead to developing of many more virtues which act as a binding force in developing and maintaining better relationship.

v     Overcoming Fear.

Awareness of fear smoothens the journey of dreams to reality.

v     Communication.

Simple activities and discussions devoid of jargons will train the students in effective communication.

v     Building Self Confidence

This session boosts the self-esteem and also gives technique to develop good habits as well as getting rid of the bad ones.

v     Team play.

Learning the importance of leading and following and being a team player through innovative story bring out the true leadership qualities of the participants.

v     Awareness of individuality.

The interactions and games are designed in such a way that the participants are put on autopilot towards self-discovery right from the beginning.

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